Das Pelopeion
Ansicht von Norden. Ganz links durch den Baumbestand zu sehen, der Zeustempel. Rechts daneben der Torbau des Pelopeions. Im Hintergrund das südliche Altis-Tor. Im Hintergrund das Leonidaion.

The Pelopeion
View of north-east. To see completely on the left by the Stock of trees, the Zeus's temple. On the right of it the gate construction of the Pelopeions. In the background the southern Altis gate. In the background the Leonidaion.

le Pelopeion
View of north-east. To see completely on the left by the Stock of trees, the Zeus's temple. On the right of it the gate construction of the Pelopeions. In the background the southern Altis gate. In the background the Leonidaion.

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