Die Echohalle
Blick aus der östlichen Wandelhalle auf die Schatzhausterrasse.
Deren mittlerer Aufgang und einige Zanes-Figuren sind zu erkennen. Am
linken Rand ist die nordöstliche Ecke der Ringhalle des
Metroons zu erkennen.
Rekonstruktion: Alexander Paffrath Trautner für AntikDigital
Look from the eastern change hall on the treasure house terrace. Their
middle rising and some Zanes figures are to be recognised. The
northeast corner of the ring hall of the Metroon is to be recognised by
the left edge.
Look from the eastern change hall on the treasure house terrace. Their
middle rising and some Zanes figures are to be recognised. In the left
edge the northeast corner of the ring hall of the Metroons is visible.
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